Post Capitalist Philanthropy: Wealth as a Transition Pathway
Welcome to this issue exploring various dimensions around wealth as a transition pathway – inquiries into how we might heal and liberate wealth from the grips of neoliberalism. We explore means by which to transition from our current meta-crisis to post capitalist realities that serve Life.

This special issue is an offering to collectively sense-make and find our ways through these troubled times. It includes a myriad of reflections and provocations exploring wealth as a transition pathway – inquiries into how we might heal and liberate wealth from the grips of neoliberalism to post capitalist realities that serve Life.
Our ultimate aim is to transmute the poisons of capitalist modernity, including its ultimate abstraction and mediation, capital itself, into medicine, perhaps even into the ultimate medicine: water. May the dams of wealth flow into the places that need it the most.
Watch the webinar recording to get an overview of the narrative research.
Post Capitalist Philanthropy Video Series
Transition Resource Circle has launched a video series based on the book Post Capitalist Philanthropy: Healing Wealth in the Time of Collapse. These videos guide viewers through understanding the destructive nature of neoliberalism and philanthropy, envisioning post-capitalist futures through Justice Plus Onto-Shifts, and explores the Five Element Mandala as a framework for alchemizing wealth in service to Life.
This video series is hosted on CACTUS, an unlearning platform to decolonize from dominant systems and re-enchant our mind/body/hearts into coherence with our living planet to birth emergent futures rooted in collective liberation.