Milpamérica, living solutions to the Climate Crisis
In times of civilization and climate catastrophe that looms upon us and threatens to consume everything that is alive on this planet, we have come together to fight back against the extermination of all life. Milpamerica exists because it resists.

- Indigenous and Black peoples that inhabit Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador have organized to fight back against the climate crisis, and will be publishing narrative actions from November 15th.
- Since governments and corporations have failed 26 times at COP, the living solutions to the climate crisis are a hope for the future of the planet. Join the Milpamerica resistance.
- We call upon people from all diversities to sign and share the “Milpamérica Declaration”, which is a mesoamerican statement in times of climate change, ecocide and genocide.
People from the Afro-Indigenous, Garifuna, Lenca, Nawat, Kaqchikel, K’iche’, Q’eqchi’, Chortí, Xinka, Ayuujk, Biinnizá, Nahuas, Ch’oles, Ñuu Savi, Peninsular Mayans, Kiliwa, Cucapá, Acolhua, Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Hñatho, Amuzga, Purépecha, Popoluca, Zoque, Urban Diasporas and other indigenous nations that are defending their territories all across Mesoamerica have organized to name the structural violence that resulted in the climate crisis and are offering living solutions for the future.
From November 15th, we will be joining their climate action demands. Every day we will publish an article written by an indigenous land defender, to highlight the importance of focusing on the intersection of the climate crisis and the defense of territories in Mesoamerica from the perspective of the indigenous people.
We will be calling upon people from all diversities to join and share the Milpamérica Declaration, which is a call to action to join and support the Black and indigenous resistances in order to fight back against the climate and civilization crisis.
We are a 500 year history of resistance against dispossession. Our grandmothers were raped by colonization; our grandfathers were enslaved by racism. Every cell of our bodies, which are also territories, feels the pain of trains running over jungles, of mining companies splitting hills in half, of oil drilling companies setting the oceans on fire. Every cell of our body-territories feels the pain of hydroelectric companies keeping rivers hostage, of inter-oceanic corridors forcing fissures into peninsulas, of eolic companies that leave behind nothing but arid land. Our body-territories are devastated by the pain of monocultures that drill through the forests, of megaprojects that dry out the lakes, of cities that devour entire groups of people, of religions that satanize our spirituality, of borders that desecrate the lands with razor wire, of Nation-States that eradicate all diversity, of corporations that exterminate us, of military and paramilitary forces that invade our territories. . It is from here, amidst our pain, where we speak our final warning.
Milpamérica has survived a 500-year old genocide, it has survived ecocide and Milpamérica will survive this colonization of the atmosphere that people refer to as climate change.
Extract from the Milpamérica Declaration
These narrative actions are the result of a Culture Hack Laboratory created by and for land defenders in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador with the collaboration of the Futuros Indigenas Network.
We call upon mesoamerican and international media to join us and amplify the voices of Milpamérica that will be present at COP27 in Egypt as part of the ‘Defensoras de la Tierra’ delegation. Media contact (Whatsapp and Signal) Andrea Ixchiu +502 5411 5278