Culture Hack Labs presents a series of created and curated content on the dominant narratives and how they can be reframed for systems change.
Issue 07: Beyond the Carbon Fixation : Pathways to Regenerative Futures
Beyond the Carbon Fixation: Pathways to Regenerative Futures This research sets out with the intention of finding pathways to liberate land, waters, ecosystems, and communities from the enclosures of capitalism and colonialism. Beyond the carbon-centered approaches to the climate crisis limited by reductionist metrics and market-driven solutions are alternate pathways already embodied by living examples. These pathways —rooted in justice, solidarity, community stewardship, regenerative economies, and shifts towards more ecological consciousness—when interwoven, can serve as a navigational tool for systems change.
Issue 06: The Carbon Fixation: How Philanthropy and Aid Miss the Real Crisis
This report challenges the dominant approaches in climate philanthropy and climate aid, which are heavily focused on technological solutions and market-driven strategies that prioritize economic growth and measurable outcomes. While these models aim to reduce carbon emissions, they often ignore the root causes of climate change, such as global inequality, resource extraction, and overconsumption, all while reflecting Northern-centric interests. By critiquing this technocratic, top-down approach, the report advocates for a shift toward more inclusive, community-driven solutions that prioritize justice, equity, and long-term sustainability. It calls for a reimagining of climate finance to address both environmental and social justice in the fight against the climate crisis.
Issue 05: Post Capitalist Philanthropy: Wealth as a Transition Pathway
Welcome to this issue exploring various dimensions around wealth as a transition pathway – inquiries into how we might heal and liberate wealth from the grips of neoliberalism. We explore means by which to transition from our current meta-crisis to post capitalist realities that serve Life.
Issue 04: Land Back to Right Relations Briefing
This briefing presents an overview of the narrative research and briefing for Land Back to Right Relations. This is a narrative intervention that calls for land back to right relations: the return of land from the enclosures of colonialism and capitalism to new patterns of deep relationality to land and one another.
Issue 03: Milpamérica, living solutions to the Climate Crisis
In times of civilization and climate catastrophe that looms upon us and threatens to consume everything that is alive on this planet, we have come together to fight back against the extermination of all life. Milpamérica resists because it exists.
Issue 02: Territories of Transition
In this issue, Territories of Transition, we are curating different perspectives on the transition to a post anthropocentric reality. In the chaos and breakdown of capitalist modernity, we are seeing new approaches that are recasting the meaning of everyday life while building new pathways for meaningful systems change.
Issue 01: Culture and the Anthropocene
In this introductory issue we have curated several pieces about the cultural context of the Anthropocene.