Yellow Mole with Mushrooms
Territory: San Antonio Cuajimoloyas, Sierra Norte, Oaxaca, Mexico
Author: Wendy Juárez
Recipe: The yellow potato is a recipe from the northern highlands of Oaxaca, a place of cold mountains and forests of pines, oaks and ocotales. The invitation of this recipe is to sow our land, to recover the food of our surroundings and our territory.

I am the mountains of northern Oaxaca, covered by large pines, oaks and ocotales, which form a forest among the clouds, I am the people who live in the highest mountain in this area, 3,200 meters above sea level, called Yaa Cuetzi, which means: quiote de maguey or place of magueys. Here the clouds form, the cold is constant and the humidity from the rains in July and August makes the mushrooms grow, which emerge from the earth to feed us along with the potato and corn harvest.
Wendy walks among the cornfield, between the forest and the fog, daughter of Carmen, granddaughter of Constanza and Francisco, of Carlos, of Lepa. She returns to the land, inhabits the forest, learns about plants and their medicine, collects mushrooms with his family, cooks with her grandmother and her mother. She deeply sows her roots.

Recipe Name: Amarillo de papa con hongos (o carne) / Yellow Potato Mole whit mushroom (or meat)
Recipe English Text: For this recipe we need to go deep into the earth, recognize our roots and sow concrete actions, only then will we be able to harvest living hopes that nourish and motivate us, that give us the strength that comes from the earth, from the heart of our ancestors. The yellow potato is a recipe from the northern highlands of Oaxaca, a place of cold mountains and forests of pines, oaks and ocotales. The potato is part of our daily diet, because it is one of the main crops grown, besides corn, beans and apples. The invitation of this recipe is to sow our land, to recover the food of our surroundings and our territory. We eat what we sow, we eat what the land gives us, we have our own food, which does not imply transactional exports. The yellow potato, in the traditional recipe of the community, is accompanied with mushrooms, which are born in the rainy season. It is not a gourmet dish, it is a traditional food, it is a community food. Its preparation begins with the gathering of mushrooms in a group, collectively, it is a moment to walk through the forest, to recognize ourselves in the earth and be thankful for what is born from it. We invite you to invent your own recipe, from what is in your territory or community.
The first step is to put the meat in a pot to cook it, it can be prepared with beef or chicken.
It can also be prepared without meat and with mushrooms, when in season. While the meat
or mushrooms are cooking, we prepare the sauce that will flavor the mole.
Preparation of Potato:
Potatoes are the main ingredient of this mole.
1.Wash the potatoes and boil them, then peel them.
2. We grind the potatoes in the chilmolera and reserve them in a bowl.
3.We also make some potato balls to add them to the yellow sauce once it is ready.
Preparation of spices:
1. Peel the garlic and chop the onion.
2. Roast them together with the sesame seeds and the cinnamon.
3. Grind together with the bread crumbs, cumin, thyme, oregano.
1. Remove the seed from the chiles and roast them.
2. Remove the skin from the miltomatoes (green tomatoes) and cook them.
3. Blend the chiles, tomatoes and ground spices in a blender, add salt and a little water.
4. Strain the sauce that remains after blending.
5. Put the sauce on the fire to season it with a little oil.
1. When the meat or mushrooms are cooked, add the sauce we prepared and add one or two
leaves of hierba santa.
2. Let it boil.
3. Once it boils, add the ground potato to thicken the sauce.
4. Stir with a spoon so that the potato does not stick to the bottom. It is important to
stir constantly.
5. Once it is thickened, add the potato balls and if necessary add salt.